Top best Education and Training


Top best Education and Training

Action for Climate Empowerment Guidelines

The Action for Climate Empowerment: Guidelines for accelerating solutions through education, training and public awareness are intended to facilitate the work of National Focal Points (NFPs) to implement ACE activities in their countries. This publication can also be useful to other policy-makers and members of civil society organizations (CSOs) seeking the means to address climate change. The guidelines provide a flexible, phased approach to the strategic and systematic implementation of ACE activities at the national level, driven by each country’s circumstances. Activities exemplifying ACE implementation are provided from more than 20 countries in all regions of the world. More >>

Library of UN Materials for Climate Change Learning

The library contains over 2,100 entries, ranging from training manuals on climate change for health professionals to educational handbooks for teachers and students. It is a one-stop search engine to access materials prepared by UNorganizations relevant to climate change learning. More >>

UN Gateway to Climate Change

The UN Gateway to Climate Change provides news, features, and core links to climate change related activities from all UN agencies participating in the Chief Executives Board for Coordination.  More >>

UNESCO Climate Change Education Clearinghouse

The UNESCO CCE Clearinghouse is an online database that provides easy access to hundreds of resources including good practices, teaching and learning materials, scientific articles, and multimedia material from around the world. More>> >>

Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development

UNESCO through its programme CCESD, supports countries in integrating climate change and disaster risk reduction in their education policies and plans, curricula and teacher education programmes. More >>

Online Course for Secondary School Teachers on Climate Change Education

The UNESCO Online Course for Secondary School Teachers on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development, as a part of the CCESD, is designed to give teachers confidence through a series of six-day programmes to help young people understand the causes and consequences of climate change. More >>

Climate Change Starter’s Guidebook: An Issues Guide for Education Planners and Practitioners

UNESCO and UNEP’s guidebook was designed to support educators in developing their understanding of the science of climate change, observed and anticipated impacts, together with possible responses and solutions. More >>

UNESCO’s ‘Learning to address climate change’

This animated video by UNESCO shows in four minutes why climate change education is important and how it shapes sustainable development in practice. The video also helps better understand the causes of climate change and highlights examples of how teachers and students can shape climate action. Video >>

United Nations Institute for Training and Research

UNITAR is the principal training arm of the United Nations and works in every region of the world. It seeks to empower individuals, governments and organizations through knowledge and learning to effectively overcome global challenges. More >>

UN CC: Learn

UN CC:Learn is a partnership of more than 30 multilateral organizations that support countries in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. More >>

UNFCCC Capacity-Building Portal

The UNFCCC Capacity-building Portal provides access to information on climate change capacity-building programmesand projects taking place predominantly in developing countries. More >>

Green Growth On-line e-Learning Facility

This e-Learning facility, offered by UNESCAP, the AIT, and the RRCAP in partnership with the Government of the United Kingdom, offers interactive on-line training on the growing green economy. More >>

Adaptation Learning Mechanism

ALM provides a common platform supported by GEFUNDP, the UNFCCC secretariat, the World Bank and FAO for sharing and learning on climate change adaptation. It draws on ground-up experiences and narratives, and offers toolsand practical guidance to meet the needs of developing countries. More >>

 World Bank Institute e-Learning Courses

The e-learning website of the WBI offers a wide range of free interdisciplinary online courses within the context of climate change learning and action. More >>

Green Jobs Training Site

The sharing platform of the ILO’s International Training Center provides information concerning the links between climate and environmental change and transitions in working life. It also offers a range of training courses on green jobs. More >>

E-Leaning Course on Smallholder Agriculture, Environment and Climate Change

IFAD’s free e-learning course educates development professionals on the nuts and bolts of designing and implementing environment and climate-related activities. The course comprises four modules and can be completed in a two hour sitting. More >>


IFAD’s CLIMTRAIN is a tailor-made training programme that supports its Programme Management Department in building capacity on both climate change mitigation and adaptation. More >>

Planning for Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change

FAO’s e-learning tool offers interactive learning sessions and practical resources for training on climate change adaptation in rural communities. It is specifically designed for development practitioners. More >>

IWRM Climate Change Education on Water Resources Management

The CGIAR-IWRM’s e-learning module aims to improve research and education on global water-related issues. It includes components of climate change. More >>

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