Join EMJMD Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree 2020


EMJMD Catalogue

Important message to international students: Please be cautious when receiving any publicity or message inviting you to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship. We have been informed of numerous attempted scams. Before giving out any personal data or sending money, please always verify that the information comes from a trustworthy source.


Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.

If you would like to know more about the EMJMDs please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

The EMJMD Catalogue displays the masters offering Erasmus Mundus funded scholarships in the academic year 2020-2021.

Most consortia require applications to be submitted between October and January, for courses starting the following academic year.  Students and potential scholars/guest lecturers should contact directly the relevant consortium for more information on courses and application procedures. Please notice that when you apply, some data is shared with the Agency and treated according to the following privacy statement.


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