Our story

Our story

My co-founder and I, both graduates with IT backgrounds, identified a critical gap upon returning home to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2016. Despite completing their education, many Congolese lacked the necessary IT skills to thrive. We saw a clear opportunity to leverage our entrepreneurial and technological expertise to improve lives.

Fuelled by a desire to actively contribute to the development of our war-torn eastern DRC, we envisioned a technology hub. This hub would provide a platform to share knowledge, foster innovation, and empower our fellow citizens. We assembled a team of experienced IT professionals, bringing together expertise in programming, networking, telecommunications, robotics, and management.

Kivuhub is a self-funded initiative, initially supported by the co-founders’ financial and material resources. However, as our success grows and we empower businesses to launch and flourish in the eastern DRC and beyond, we aim to broaden our support base.

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