Get started with Teams webinars


For situations that need more interaction with other participants than a pre-recorded lecture, Microsoft Teams is the recommended option and is the software that is supported by the University.  All teaching that appears in the Lecture List will be scheduled in Teams by the Timetabling and Events Assistant, with links being provided to presenters and students in advance of the session.  Recording of Teams sessions is available to on request on a per user basis.

The University has a site licence, so everyone with a Single Sign-on will have access to this toolThis includes students, who can organise their own meetings/workgroups as well as taking part in those you organise for them.

Getting started

Please download the Teams client from the Microsoft website, and register with your Oxford e-mail address.

Using Microsoft Outlook, you can create a Teams meeting as easily as you can create a calendar entry (select ‘New Item’ instead of ‘New Meeting’, or schedule it as an ‘on line’ meeting).  You can also schedule meetings from within Teams (but please note, teaching on the Lecture List will be scheduled by the Timetabling and Events Assistant, so seminar leaders do not need to do this for themselves).  You do not need to create new ‘Teams’ or ‘Channels’ in order to set up meetings, but you do need the e-mail addresses of all participants.

For full Teams functionality – including a dedicated Conversation (i.e. message board) and file store for your defined group, and of course the virtue of having a pre-defined constituency for communication – you will need to get IT Services to create a Team for you by filling in the online request form, but you don’t need that for day-to-day teaching.

Teams is the intended means of conducting Faculty meetings (committees, Law Board, faculty meetings, one-to-ones, etc.), so it is recommended that you set this up and test it as soon as possible.

If you would like to run a trial meeting, or need help to set up a meeting, or aren’t sure how to obtain the e-mail addresses of a particular cohort of students, please contact Marina Amiconi.

Using Teams

While there is much about using Teams that can be quickly discovered by plunging in and experimenting, inevitably some features are less obvious. Clearly, organising and presenting online classes involves some sophisticated technology and these three instruction videos offer a thorough but accessible guide to most of the key features.

Key points to note:

  • Please don’t schedule anything that will appear in the Lecture List as this will be scheduled on your behalf.
  • You don’t need to create new ‘Teams’ to be able to set up seminars/meetings.

(The link to the third video opens in YouTube, and will start about 9 minutes in, as there is some earlier content that is not relevant to Oxford users, and may even mislead, though it does include some background/very basic introductory material.)


Teams video 3


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