Salonga National Park (Plusieurs poste)


Program Coordinator, Human Rights in the Congo Basin, Democratic Republic of Congo

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. Active in almost 100 countries, we have been working in the Congo Basin in Central Africa for more than 20 years. Our mission is to stop environmental degradation in the world and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. Active in almost 100 countries, we have been working in the Congo Basin in Central Africa for more than 20 years. Our mission is to stop environmental degradation in the world and build a future where people live in harmony with nature. For our DRC office, we are looking for a dynamic and committed Program Coordinator, Human Rights who will contribute to the growth of our program (financed by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation, BMZ) in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa. In the Congo Basin, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is active in several landscape-scale sites, including the Salonga National Park (SNP) and its periphery in the DRC, and the Sangha Tri-national, including Lobéké National Park (LNP) in Cameroon and its periphery, and the Dzanga-Sangha Protected Area Complex (DSPA) in the Central African Republic. Location: Kinshasa in Democratic of Republic of Congo. Duration of the assignment: 2 years’ subject to successful probation renewable subsequentlyMain responsibilities:

Coordination of the overall program and leading on joint learning and regional exchange

  •  Coordinate and steer all program activities and supporting implementing partners to deliver the defined results on time in all three countries;
  •  Facilitate exchange between various stakeholders involved in the program monitoring and ensure project progress (supported by the program’s M & E Coordinator);
  •  Coordinate and liaise with the local and regional partner organisations and ensure the timely delivery of project results;
  •  Liaise and regular communicate with WWF Germany backstopper;
  •  Organize kick-off and closure workshops;
  •  Be responsible for the elaboration of a grievance mechanisms practitioner’s guide for protected areas in the Congo Basin and all related work;
  •  Support implementing partners to commission studies and organisational development (OD) consultancies and selecting suitable consultants;
  •  Organize, commission and manage the internal mid-term evaluation as well as external final evaluation;
  •  Consolidate technical and financial reports from implementing partners before submitting to WWF DRC hierarchy and WWF Germany backstopper;
  •  Support the preparation of annual financial audits for the project; Guide implementing CSO on WWF Environmental and Social Safeguards;
  •  Ensure that the program is implemented in a consultative, participative, transparent, gender sensitive and community / indigenous rights-based way with an emphasis on WWF standards;
  •  Develop synergies between partners in and out of the WWF network to strengthen experience sharing and lobby / advocacy capacity at national and international level;
  •  Coordinate the elaboration of work plans of CSOs and monitor their execution;
  •  Manage WWF DRC program staff in line with WWF policies, ensuring that they have the necessary induction and support;
  •  Represent the program at national, regional, international events;

Quality management

  •  Monitor and evaluate program work to maintain and/or improve the quality; incorporating learning in the programme and ensuring achievement of desired impact;
  •  Ensure technical and financial reporting to BMZ is of high quality and timely submitted;
  •  Ensure compliance with donor procedures (procurement, subcontracting, tenders, etc.) in coordination with the WWF Germany backstopper;
  •  Maintain close communication to all CSOs implementing activities in the field.

Ensure strategic communication (internal and external)

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  •  Ensure that the WWF network is aware of progress of activities and possible adaptive management, outside of the technical reporting cycles;
  •  Keep WWF network staff and the donor involved in the program;
  •  Support the CSOs to high-light achievements related to this program via the media both national and internationally.

Required Qualifications, Skills and Competencies

  •  A Master or diploma in an appropriate field: human rights / law / conservation / environment;
  •  A minimum of 10 years of experience in project/program management and multi-stakeholder management in the fields of rural development and/or conservation for international development organizations;
  •  Experience in Central Africa is strongly desired;
  •  Experience with international donors, especially BMZ or other German governmental donors, is desired;
  •  Demonstrated experience in multidisciplinary team management in the context of developing countries;
  •  Knowledge of human rights, indigenous people’s rights, grievance mechanisms and social safeguards;
  •  Knowledge of challenges evolving at the nexus of conservation and natural resource use;
  •  Knowledge in rural development;
  •  Experience in the preparation and implementation of work plans;
  •  Experience in the coordination of complex, regional programs;
  •  Superior ability to coordinate diverse partners in complex and difficult environments;
  •  Adaptable and flexible, with sensitivity to cultural context and gender issues;
  •  Experience in working with international agencies, particularly German donors;
  •  Excellent oral and written communication skills in French and English are essential (several reports for English-speaking funders);
  •  Adherence to WWF’s values, which are: Courage, Respect, Integrity and Collaboration.
  •  Adherence to WWF’s behaviors, which are: Strive for impact, listen deeply, collaborate openly and innovate fearlessly.

Please see the attached job description for more information about the position. How to apply? Interested candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to send:

  •  A cover letter
  •  A detailed CV with 3 references

All applications should be sent to The subject should read Bengo Program Coordinator. Thank you in advance for your interest in this announcement. Only candidates with the required profile will be contacted. If you are not contacted six (06) weeks after the deadline, consider your application unsuccessful. Deadline for applications: 05 January 2021 WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce.

Salonga National Park Director (interim), Monkoto, Democratic Republic of Congo

We are looking for a dynamic and committed Park Director to support conservation efforts.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has embarked on an ambitious, field-based conservation programme across the Congo Basin. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), WWF is active in several landscape sites, including the over 60,000 km2 Salonga landscape, encompassing the Salonga National Park (SNP), the second largest tropical forest park in the world, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and a critical refuge for bonobos and forest elephants. In addition to its importance for biodiversity conservation, this humid forest region is a major carbon sink and source of other ecosystem services including water provisioning. The Salonga program takes an integrated conservation approach with a consortium of NGOs, government, community, and academic partners. Key conservation strategies include: protected area management; community land use planning; law enforcement and species conservation; community-based natural resource management and livelihood improvement mostly through small-scale sustainable agriculture and community forestry. Effective protected area management is a cornerstone of WWF’s conservation efforts in the DRC, in close partnership with ICCN (Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, the Protected Areas Authority in DRC). New, creative perspectives and strategies are needed to effectively manage protected areas in this challenging social, economic, cultural, and logistical environment. WWF and ICCN have signed a new partnership agreement to manage the park and support riverine communities with financial support from KfW, the EU, USAID as well as funding from WWF itself. The Salonga Program is led by a Management Unit under the coordination of the Park Director. The Management Unit works closely with partners inside and outside of the park to effect real conservation results. The Park Director position supervises WWF and ICCN staff working in biomonitoring/research, finances and administration, infrastructure development, logistics and community development work. Law enforcement activities are solely managed by the ICCN deputy director, supported by an external partner (Chengeta Wildlife) to provide additional expertise and training. The Park Director collaborates with partners inside and outside the park to advance the park objectives, including an independent partner (Jurec) implementing a complaint mechanism and overseeing human rights-based approaches. The Park Director also supervises the project managers for community development work in the buffer zone.Location: Monkoto (Salonga landscape in the Democratic Republic of Congo)

Duration: 2 years with possibility of extension.

  •  Major duties and responsibilities

Provides strategic leadership To achieve conservation results, guided by the shared vision for the Park partnership for protected area management (management plan development, implementation, and adaptive management); law enforcement through ICCN Eco guards; ensuring communities have a voice in Park management, community-based natural resource management; institutional strengthening and training; policies and legislation; regional networking; and project monitoring. Park oversight and coordination

  •  Plan, direct and oversee park activities in accordance with the annual work plan, budget and contractual agreements.
  •  Develop work plans and budgets for approval by WWF, partners, the Salonga steering committee, and other participating agencies.
  •  Mobilize and coordinate with government and non-government partners, donors, communities and other stakeholders in the Park to work towards a common vision while also supporting synergies with the landscape management.
  •  Oversee program planning to strengthen progress towards objectives (e.g. strengthen park management).
  •  Ensure the organization of regular meetings of the Salonga landscape consortium and community coordination committees (CoCoSi).
  •  Represent the park internally and externally, e.g. at donor events.

Park management implementation Manages the park and its management unit (SNPMU) using a participatory, adaptive management approach. Ensures that management systems are established, and oversees the administration of the management plan and related program/projects. Supervises activities. With support from WWF, ensures that project(s) are in compliance with donor regulations. Illustrative responsibilities include:

  •  Ensure adherence to the Environmental and Social Safeguards framework and risk mitigation plan by all actors in park management activities.
  •  Develop and implement together with stakeholders the annual operational plan.
  •  Coordinate the park infrastructure development that includes roads, patrol stations, offices, logistic equipment, Eco guard equipment, communication means like internet, VHF, speed boats, aircrafts etc.
  •  Enhance the protection of the Park by opening new landing runways, new stations well equipped in solar power, generators, internet and all important transport means depending on the geographical setting of the area.
  •  Coordinate inclusive land use planning activities.
  •  Use field experience to inform policy advocacy at local and national levels.
  •  Promote communication with key stakeholders from local to global scale as far as Salonga is concerned.
  •  Support capacity building and institutional strengthening of local partners, for land use planning and wildlife monitoring.

Coordination of rural development projects in the buffer zone

  •  Ensure project managers for rural development projects are fulfilling their mandates.
  •  Review periodic project reports submitted to donors. eMUGVcD vQR3I
  •  Chair regular meetings of all project managers and partners working in the Salonga landscape to ensure coordination and information-sharing.
  •  Coordinate private sector (forest concession) engagement with WWF Forest Program.

Administration/Financial management With the direct support of the manager of finance and administration, contribute to the development of project budgets for approval, technical and financial reporting, and monitoring of expenditures against budgets for Park activities.

  •  Profile

Required qualifications:

  •  Advanced university degree in an appropriate field (conservation/environment/natural resource or park management/forestry/terrestrial ecology),
  •  A minimum of 10 years’ experience working in conservation, or development organizations,
  •  Project management experience in Africa or elsewhere is strongly desired.

Required skills and competencies:

  •  Strong working knowledge of park management and what it takes to effectively manage a large-scale park. Understanding of forest and wildlife ecology, and natural resource management principles is important.
  •  Very strong leadership skills, with an ability to inspire confidence in team members, colleagues, communities and donors.
  •  Depth and breadth of knowledge of biomonitoring in forested environment and law enforcement procedures.
  •  Clear understanding of community-based natural resource management and rural livelihood issues.
  •  An ability to generate innovative solutions to complex issues, incorporating past experiences, multiple sources of information, and an appreciation of the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
  •  Experience in engaging with private sector partners.
  •  Strong administrative and financial management skills and excellent organizational skills.
  •  Excellent people and project management skills to handle complex, multi-faceted projects, negotiate, and resolve conflicts.
  •  Excellent oral and written communications skills in French and a good command of English. Experience working with government officials and donors.
  •  Ability to live and work in remote and difficult conditions.
  •  Ability to live in a multicultural context and acceptance of local values.
  •  Adherence to WWF’s behaviours, which are: Strive for impact, listen deeply, collaborate openly and innovate fearlessly.
  •  Adherence to WWF’s values, which are: Courage, Integrity, Respect and collaboration.

How to apply: Interested candidates should email a cover letter (with at least 3 references) and curriculum vitae to: , with the mention: – Salonga National Park Director by January, 31 2022. Thank you in advance for your interest in this position. Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted for follow up. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Female applicants are encouraged. WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce

Salonga Finance Administrator, Monkoto, Democratic Republic of Congo

We are looking for a dynamic and committed Finance Administrator to support conservation efforts.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has embarked on an ambitious, field-based conservation programme across the Congo Basin. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), WWF is active in several landscape sites, including the over 60,000 km2 Salonga landscape, encompassing the Salonga National Park (SNP), the second largest tropical forest park in the world, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and a critical refuge for bonobos and forest elephants. In addition to its importance for biodiversity conservation, this humid forest region is a major carbon sink and source of other ecosystem services including water provisioning. The Salonga program takes an integrated conservation approach with a consortium of NGOs, government, community, and academic partners. Key conservation strategies include: protected area management; community land use planning; law enforcement and species conservation; community-based natural resource management and livelihood improvement mostly through small-scale sustainable agriculture and community forestry. Effective protected area management is a cornerstone of WWF’s conservation efforts in the DRC, in close partnership with ICCN (Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, the Protected Areas Authority in DRC). New, creative perspectives and strategies are needed to effectively manage protected areas in this challenging social, economic, cultural, and logistical environment. In this context, the Finance administrator of the Salonga Programme will oversee the implementation of administrative procedures and financial control of the Programme. He/she will be based at least 30% of the time in Monkoto (WWF headquarters of SNP). He /She shall be in charge of developing and harmonising administrative and financial procedures and supervise administrative and logistics staff of the Programme in collaboration with the local Human Resources Office. He/she shall be in charge of developing financial reports and supporting the budget development for funding proposals.Location: Monkoto (Salonga landscape in the Democratic Republic of Congo)

Duration: 1 year with possibility of extension.

  •  Main Functions:
  •  Technical coordination: He/she will assist in the development and harmonization of operational plans, budgets and contractual arrangements for activities under the direct responsibility of the Salonga Park Director.
  •  Human and financial resources management: with the direct support of the Human Resources Office, the Finance Department of WWF DRC and the local Administrative Assistant(s), the Administrator will provide the technical supervision of Programme staff as well as its financial management. He will be particularly responsible for justification of expenditures, the review of financial reports, budget planning, etc., according to established procedures of financial partners and WWF. He /She will therefore ensure that budgets are approved by the Park Director and expenditures justified before sending them to the accounting unit.

He /She will assist the “Finance, Administration and HR Department” of the SNP so that it can produce, respecting established management procedures, the Park’s annual financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, detailed explanatory annexes) in a condition to be audited annually by an internationally accredited auditing firm. He /She will work closely with ICCN and WWF Kinshasa based accounting teams to integrate the ORACLE accounting principles in the practices of Salonga accounting in full respect of SAGE software. The Salonga Administrator will also closely collaborate with WWF colleagues in national offices in Germany, the US etc. He /She will ensure financial reports to donors are of high quality, are reconciled with the Salonga general ledger, and are respectful of donor’s templates and regulations. He /She will also lead the cash flow in Monkoto.

  •  Strengthening partnerships: The Finance administrator will support the Park Director, Park Manager and the Development Rural Programme Manager in the structuring of a strategic partnership with ICCN and other partners in order to operationalize the co-management structure leading to a high-quality management of the SNP. This will mainly include: the development of partnership agreements with ICCN and other partners; supporting the development of a Foundation (statutes, structure of entities; establishment of committees etc.); supporting the preparation of descriptions for key financial/administrative positions and the respective capacity-building for the SNP management unit; support the implementation of the operational plan of the SNP; etc.
  •  Responsibilities and main tasks:
  •  Contribute to the preparation of budgets in accordance with the standards of WWF and the donor under the supervision of the Programme Coordinator.
  •  Ensure that adequate finance and administration systems and procedures are operational throughout the WWF sites linked to the Programme;
  •  Contribute, in consultation with ICCN’s financial and administrative unit (DAF ICCN) and in close cooperation with partners on the site, in drafting of the manual of managing budgetary, accounting and financial procedures specific to the SNP, which will be based on the General provisions laid down by the DAF-ICCN;
  •  Ensure that the “Finance, Administration and HR Department” of the SNP provides rigorous management budget that enables the production, within legal deadlines and according to OHADA standards, of auditable and certifiable annual financial statements;
  •  Produce and complete on time monthly financial reports, bank reconciliations and financial information requested by the WWF national office;
  •  Ensure the development and implementation of financial procedures aligned with the standard of WWF and current Congolese legislation as well as the requirements of donors;
  •  Prepare requests for funds based on solid expenditure plans consistent with the technical Programme;
  •  Ensure a proper posting of expenditures based on authorized budgets as well as proper documentation;
  •  Prepare and facilitate external and internal financial audits and participate if needed in other monitoring and evaluation processes; eMUGSWS vQR3I
  •  Prepare contracts and ensure that they are in accordance with current legislation;
  •  Ensure that the payment of salaries is made in a timely manner;
  •  Execution of other tasks entrusted by the hierarchy for the needs of the Service.
  •  Profile

Required Qualifications

  •  University degree in economics, business administration or field related to accounting or a degree of equivalent professional training.
  •  At least 7 years’ experience in financial and project management in an international or multinational organization would be an advantage.

Required knowledge and Skills

  •  Capacity of rigorous financial management and accounting with a strong organizational capability, communication and computer skills;
  •  Knowledge of the use of ORACLE software is a major asset;
  •  Ability to analyze, prioritize and complete tasks with minimal supervision within strict deadlines;
  •  An understanding of institutions funded by international donors, particularly conservation organizations will be a definite advantage.
  •  This position requires an imaginative (creative) flexible, friendly and cooperative personality;
  •  Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills in French and English;
  •  Good administrative, financial, human resources and project management capabilities.
  •  Ability to work in difficult, problematic and complex conditions.
  •  Adherence to WWF’ s behaviors, which are: Strive for impact, listen deeply, collaborate openly and innovate fearlessly.
  •  Commitment to the mission of WWF and adherence to WWF’s values, which are: Courage, Integrity, Respect and Collaboration.
  •  Working Relations

Internal -Close working relations with the Salonga Park Director, other DRC based WWF staff such as the Head of Finance & IT, CAFEC Programme Financial Administrator, and the Human Resources Manager in order to coordinate efforts and mobilize support. External -Working relations with key partners: Ministry of Environment and local authorities in charge of the management of protected areas (ICCN), partner NGOs and local communities How to apply: Interested candidates should email a cover letter (with at least 3 references) and curriculum vitae to: , with the mention: Salonga Finance Administrator by March, 05 2022. Thank you in advance for your interest in this position. Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted for follow up. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Female applicants are encouraged. WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce

Salonga Program Coordinator, Monkoto, Democratic Republic of Congo

WWF recruits a Program Coordinator for its Salonga Program

Position Title : Salonga Program Coordinator Director Supervisor : Salonga Park Director Post base/Location : Monkoto, DRC Duration of Assignment : 2-years contract renewable

  •  Context and Background

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has embarked on ambitious, field-based conservation programs across the Congo Basin. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), WWF is active in several landscape-scale sites, including the over 10 million ha Salonga landscape, encompassing Salonga National Park (SNP), the third largest tropical forest park in the world, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and a critical refuge for bonobos and forest elephants. The landscape program also works in peripheral community area. In addition to its importance for biodiversity conservation, this humid forest region is significant for carbon storage and maintaining water supplies. The program takes an integrated conservation approach with a consortium of NGO, government, community, and academic partners. Key conservation strategies include: protected area management; land use planning; law enforcement and species conservation; community-based natural resources management and livelihood improvement, e.g. through sustainable agriculture and forestry. Effective protected area management is a corner stone of WWF’s conservation efforts in the DRC, in close partnership with ICCN (Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature), the national protected area management authority. New, creative perspectives are needed to effectively manage protected areas in challenging social, economic, cultural, and logistical environments. WWF and ICCN have agreed to implement an innovative form of Public Private Partnership management approach in forms of co-management to professionalise the management of the park while also improving the life standards of communities living in the landscape.

  •  Responsibilities and main tasks

As part of the Salonga Program team, the Salonga Programs Coordinator will be responsible for all technical departments’ coordination of Salonga National Park under the supervision of the Park Director. Partnerships and Fundraising

  •  Lead in the identification, establishment and coordination of key strategic partnerships, including local/international implementing partners and academic/ research institutions;
  •  Work closely with the WWF DRC and WWF national offices’ Fundraising and Communication teams to facilitate new funding opportunities including proposals writing and budget planning for submission to donors;
  •  Work with the WWF DRC Fundraising and Communication team to initiate events and products (including films et.) to raise the Salonga National Park’s profile nationally and internationally;
  •  Attend Partnership Coordination meetings in the Salonga Landscape;
  •  Have at all times an overview of the current project and financial situation of the Salonga program (running projects, pipeline etc.) to inform project negotiations with donors

Conservation Planning and Administration

  •  Assist in technical development and implementation of projects in the Salonga Landscape;
  •  Assist in program oversight and coordination, implementation, and administrative/financial management as requested by Salonga Director;
  •  Have an overview of the Environmental Social Safeguards Framework and follow up with its implementation in Salonga Landscape
  •  Assist in preparation of Terms of Reference for hiring of contracted staff and third parties towards project implementation
  •  Ensure monitoring of key partner activities and relationships (JUREC, Chengeta Wildlife etc)
  •  Participate in UGPNS events or those of partners as needed;
  •  Contribute to the review of financial and narrative reports in accordance with donor agreements;
  •  Ensure that both WWF Network and donors are aware of progress of activities and possible adaptive management, outside of the technical reporting cycles;

Communications In full collaboration with WWF DRC and other WWF’s national offices Communication teams

  •  Support the implementation of Salonga communication strategy and related communication materials and initiatives;
  •  Ensure that Salonga Website is fed with good stories emerging from the Park’s day-to-day life; eMUGNtt vQR3I
  •  Prepare status reports and communication packages with Communication team for Partnership members;
  •  Maintain open and fluid communication with WWF’s national offices team and its partners.
  •  Profile

Required Qualifications

  •  BA degree or equivalent in International Development, Business, Communications or related field.
  •  Over 5 years of relevant experience managing partnerships or grants.
  •  Demonstrated knowledge of international donor’s desirable requirements, preferably EU, USAID, KfW, GIZ.

Required Skills and Competencies

  •  Proven experience in donor proposal development with partners is mandatory;
  •  General understanding of forest and wildlife ecology, and natural resource management principles is important;
  •  Good understanding of community-based natural resource management and rural livelihood issues;
  •  Experience working with government officials and donors;
  •  Strong administrative and financial management and excellent organizational skills and attention to detail;
  •  Excellent people and project management skills to handle complex, multi-faceted projects, and to negotiate and resolve conflicts;
  •  Excellent oral and written communications skills in French and English;
  •  Ability to live and work in remote and difficult conditions;
  •  Ability to live in multicultural context Courage, Integrity, Respect and Collaboration.
  •  Adheres to WWF’s behaviours, which are: Strive for Impact, Listen deeply, Collaborate openly and innovate fearlessly.
  •  Affinity for nature conservation

Desired Skills and Competencies

  •  Familiarity with website and social media content;
  •  Good working knowledge of conservation projects and/or national park management and what it takes to effectively manage a large-scale park.
  •  Working Relationship:

Internal– Works closely with and reports to the Salonga Park Director, Regular interaction with DRC Director of Conservation, Landscape Rural Development Manager, Salonga Administrator, Salonga deputy Director, other program managers in WWF DRC such as from the protected area and the forest and agriculture program as well as with the Salonga Program and Administration Officers in WWF International and National Offices which support the Salonga programme. External – Works with major DRC conservation donors and other technical partners working in the Salonga Landscape. How to apply: Interested candidates should send by email a cover letter (with at least 3 references) and curriculum vitae to:, with the mention: “Salonga Program Coordinator” by November 20, 2022. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted “WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce”. Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

To apply for this job email your details to

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