Reuters Online Training: Introduction to Digital Journalism


Reuters Online Training: Introduction to Digital Journalism

As digital media platforms grow more vibrant and popular every year, sound journalism is more important than ever. Now, not only do newsrooms unearth and report news stories, but citizen journalists around the world, aided by ever expanding digital technologies, are able to present stories via social media platforms and other digital forms. The ways in which people consume news morphs with each passing year.

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Why Digital Journalism?

For journalists, it’s important to learn how to report responsibly, ethically, and with verification. Several influential journalism studies show that increasingly consumers of global news crave deep reporting and neutral, unbiased facts.

In 2021, an American Press Institute study found that 67% of Americans believe that “more facts get us closer to the truth.” In addition, the latest Digital News Report, produced by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found that more than half of its global sample “said they were concerned about what is true or false on the internet when it comes to news.” The DNR study also points out that “Publishers are increasingly recognizing that long-term survival is likely to involve stronger and deeper connection with audiences online.”

Certificate of Completion

This online training introduces participants to best practices in digital journalism. Using compelling images, and hands-on how-to guides, the course offers valuable insight in five modules that tackle Digital Newsgathering, Verification and Reporting, Publishing Effectively on Social Media, Wellness and Resilience and Operating as Independent Media in a Turbulent World. After completing the two-and-a-half hour training, participants receive a digital certificate of completion.

Author: Editor

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