VC4A Startup Academy

How it works

Welcome to VC4A’s Startup Academy, the online resource for those who seek to be the next generation of startup founders. You will be able to access the latest industry insights, start-up tools and methodologies to not only get your business off the ground, but also ensure that it thrives.

We’re committed to helping you enhance your own capabilities by providing knowledge and expertise that will empower you to successfully grow a business empire. Business insiders will pass on wisdom earned over the course of their careers as they’ve built companies, invested in startups, and raised capital for ventures.


The journey you will undertake with the Academy will be broken down into three courses, each focused on a different life-stage of your business.

  • The first course is called, “Start your business”, and walks you through the founding stage of your startup.
  • Course two is “Grow your business”, and covers what’s needed after your startup finds its feet and is ready to scale up.
  • And course three, is “Finance your business”, where you will learn how to attract venture funding. In each of these chapters you’ll find a buffet of modules that will allow you to select specific areas to dive into.

Learning materials

Each module has a number of learning resources, which include:

  • Theoretical breakdowns where concepts are introduced and main schools of thought discussed – relevant to the African context.
  • Video clips of leading business professionals, entrepreneurs and investors, sharing practical expert advice,
  • Quizzes where you’ll be challenged to apply what you have learnt,
  • And useful downloadable templates and documents.

Information is power, and as a founder of a startup you need to stay on the ball with what’s happening in and around your business. The VC4A Startup Academy is designed to empower you to take your business to the next level.

Get your certificate

At the end of each ‘Insight’ you can take a multiple choice quiz.

And when you’ve watched or read ALL of the content and answered all quizzes of a course correctly you will receive a download link where you can get a personalized VC4A Startup Academy certificate!


Let’s get started!

Author: Editor

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