Empowering America’s job seekers and businesses with tools and training is at the heart of Google’s Grow with Google initiative. In collaboration with HACU, we’re proud to announce 500 Professional Certificate Scholarships available for students. The following 5 online programs are available to choose from:
- User Experience (UX) Design
- Project Management
- Data Analytics
- Introductory Level: IT Support
- Adavanced Level: IT Automatation with Python
If accepted, one Professional Certificate per student will be awarded. If selected, the Coursera learning management system will send an invitation to join the program at the school email you provide. Certificates are awarded until all spots are occupied at which time, applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
Ready to leap into your future? Click HERE to learn more about the Google Professional Certificate program. Complete the form below to apply!
Questions? Contact barbara.lealhallam@hacu.net
Just to let you know, the certificates awarded have a value of up to $300, but these scholarships do not include a funding disbursement.